The most complete source of news and information for the world's photo tours and workshops.

Joe Smith

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Articles By: Joe Smith

  • Canadian Rockies 2019 Tour Now Available

    Outstanding nature photographer Marc Adamus has announced a new winter tour of the Canadian Rockies set to being on January 24th, 2019 starting in Banff and ending on January 29th. The price is $2499 and includes instruction, free access to processing videos, outfitting of all required warm wea...
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  • Zion Narrows Photo Guide

    Sarah Marino at Nature Photo Guides has just release a a 52-minute video tutorial showing everything that goes into creating a photo from one of the US’s most remarkable photography locations. Zion Narrows: From Field to Finished is an in-depth case study that follows the creati...
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  • Iceland Winter Wonderland

    Photographer and tour guide Páll Jökull Pétursson of Landscape Photography Iceland shares that the 5-day Iceland Winter Photo Workshop has been very popular and photographers are starting to book already for winter 2017-2018. The tour goes from Reykjavik to the south coast all t...
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  • Jaguars of the Pantanal

    Jeff Parker at Explore In Focus has announced booking availability for "Jaguars of the Pantanal Photo Tour" which takes place during the region's prime wildlife-viewing time (August). The tour is from July 30 to August 9, 2018. There, you can photograph the world's largest sub-s...
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  • Alaska Unseen

    Renowned nature photographer Marc Adamus has announced two new photo touts to Alaska, taking place in August 2018. Each is a completely unique, fully outfitted experience which will take you strait to the heart of the most rugged mountains on the continent, into places you have never seen photo...
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  • Polarize Or Not?

    Some of you are using Polarizing filters on a regular basis and know how it works. It can be very useful in certain conditions to enhance blue sky and saturate colors on a sunny day and decrease reflections. It is one of the filters that you can not replicate in post production and should be in ever...
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